Wednesday, April 23, 2014

If this is You: "What's My Grade Going to Be?"


I'm sitting up finishing grading for my other two classes, and I will have your grades to you on Tuesday.

But then it just hit me:

If you feel adrift, like you haven't done any work, but maybe you showed up all the time, and you kindof might have learned something, but you're not really sure because you feel lack of structure in some vague, existential way, etc etc:

You can trade all your work in for this one assignment:
and yes, that means you don't have to scramble to write a paper or whatever you owe,
it's all forgiven,



- and remember, this means i expect you to:

1.  actually think for hours about this,
.....maybe all weekend, fri/sat/sun, plus a Monday, then
2.  to jot an outline,
3.  scribble your first, substandard draft,
4.  wait two or three more days,
5.  fix your now near-perfect paper
......and only then,
6.  turn it into me by May 2nd,
7.  on paper,
8.  at my office K128 if
9.  not to me in person.

And the Assignment Is:

Out of the myriad things you learned from just being there this semester, pick out one way that you are changed, intellectually, for the better, from applying a skill or wisdom garnered from this class.  What do you think about ownership of your own thinking process?  Do you feel smarter?  Is that weird?  Use examples from class, the readings, and/or your own work so I can get a handle on the context from which you will be speaking.

And Another Thing:

Due credit:  Your classmate Colin actually read Fall of the Faculty, thus making him three points cooler than the rest of you.

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